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Wednesday, 15 January 2014

100 Happy Days! || Week 2

Hello, hello, hello!
Loaded with cold and illness, but we are powering through, team! The rain is falling, my best friend is back in town for a week, and as promised, your mid-week dose of happy days is here!

7. 9th January 2014 - The gym gear is back on and we are back in business! 

9. 10th January 2014 - Happy Birthday Grandad! The big 7-0! The best!

10. 11th January 2014 - Alumni Sports Day. It was cold, it was fun, it was wonderful!

11. 12th January 2014 (late night/early morning photo cheat but I love this one so much!) - Two of the closest pals just being close pals!

I had hoped to take a few more snaps this week to fill up this post, so if you're disappointed, I'm truly sorry! Alumni beat me up, and then my cold jumped on the bandwagon and after almost three long days, my voice has returned, and the coughing is becoming less and less!

What has made you guys happy this week?

With Love, Zoe 

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

100 Happy Days! || Week 1

Hello there!

A friend I went to primary school with (and easily one of the most beautifully positive people I've ever come across) has been uploading the most fun pictures to her Instagram (find it here, or her twitter here) and hashtagging '#100happydays' I'm not sure if its a thing she just made up out of the blue of whether its a real thing but regardless, I think the concept is fabby! 

So with this in mind, I will be starting my own little mini-series of '100 Happy Days' right here on my blog. Basically, finding the positives in as many days and humanly possible! I'm probably not going to post them as 100 separate posts because it will bore you dry, but I think every Wednesday I'm going to upload up to seven (aka every day) 100 Happy Days pictures. It may not be exactly a picture per day, but I'm going to try my hardest to find something that makes me smile every single day!

So here goes!

1. 1st January 2014 - Fun in the Alps with Daddio. What could be better?

 2. 2nd January 2014 - Last day in France. Holiday blues but happy happy happy times!

3. 4th January 2014 - Enjoying the remainder of my time at home. Clearly smiles all round.

 4. 6th January 2014 - One of life's little pleasures, a good, British cuppa!

Fancy getting involved in #100HappyDays? I'll be posting and tweeting them day by day on my Instagram and Twitter! What has made you happy today?

Until next time, friends! 
With Love,

Zoe xx

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Monday, 6 January 2014

2013 Favourites

Hello there!

It's that time. I've consumed more food than I ever thought was humanly possible, been overwhelemed by the generosity of my friends and family and am now less than a week away from returning back to Surrey for the final university push! I'm truly terrified so any prayer and general good advice you have, I'd massively appreciate!

2013 has been a top notch year all round really, and I couldn't be a happier little chicken than I am right now! Here are some of my favourite discoveries, memories and experiences from 2013!

1. TRAVEL - Marrakech - Simply beautiful. If you can go, GO! I wrote about my African adventures here earlier this year.

2. MASCARA - The Falsies by Maybelline - I challenge you to find me a better mascara than this. You rock my world, Maybelline!

3. TV SHOW - Pretty Little Liars - I'm obsessed and I'm not ashamed to say it! It returns to the screens of you American fellow on Jan 7th! You lucky ducks!

4. LIPSTICK - Kate Moss Lasting Finish lipstick range by Rimmel London - I couldn't just pick one colour and think I am now the proud owner of every single one in the collection. Moisturising and the finish is lasting... Does what is says on the tin! Well done you, Kate!

5. BLOG - Lottie's Little Kitchen / Sprinkle of Glitter  - I'm not ashamed to say that I think I might be Lottie's biggest fan! She is the best friend of one of my best friends, Jess, and the recipes on her blog are deeee-lic-ious! Louise at Sprinkle of Glitter is just a ray of positivity and wisdom that I feel everyone should admire. A good soul with a beautiful family! Check them both out!

6. BOOK - A Thousand Splendid Suns, Khaled Hosseini - A book I highly recommend reading! Not a typically easy read but a fantastic read. Total page-turner!

7. PERFUME - Daisy - Marc Jacobs - And it seems everyone knew it! I could have come out with a 'Sponsored by Marc Jacobs' sign and no one would have questioned it. Thank you wonderful famille!!

8. Lush - I adore everything about a Lush store... Even the overpowering mixture of smells that smacks you in the face as you enter the door! Give me any kind of bath goody from Lush and I will find it tricky to thank you enough!

9. CANDLE - Air Wick Colour Changing Candle - A bizzare one, I know, but this may be my favourite discovery of 2013! If you haven't seen these, they are available in any local supermarket I believe (I found mine in Tesco!) 

Phew, that took some serious thinking! What have you all loved in 2013??? What am I missing out on?

With Love, 

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Sunday, 5 January 2014

Bonne Anneé from France!

Helloooo out there! 

As some of you may know, I spent my New Year skiing in the French Alps, which was AMAZING. You give me a little snow shower and I'm going to return to a happy snowman building 10 year old.
(See Exhibit A)

Aside from the obvious little life pleasures that France has to offer, (bread, cheese, wine, repeat) it was wonderful to be able to spend some quality time with my Dad, Step-mum & Step-sister, which is a rarity these days and everyone is SO busy with clashing routines.

We also got to set off Chinese lanterns in Les Carroz town square in between Christmas and New Year which is something I've always wanted to witness, so seeing it in a snow topped setting was fantastic! (I also may or may not have turned a bit pyromaniac with the lighter - oops!). There was a massive tun out of both French and English tourists who delved in and went wild with their lanterns, and aside from us almost burning down the Christmas tree in the square more than once, it was an incredible sight to see- no photos I have seen do Chinese Lanterns justice!

 The view from our chalet was beautiful. Luckily the Boxing day snow came right in time for my arrival and I was ready and raring to go with skis in tow (oooh how poetic!)

 It also made a fantastic beer and wine fridge. Super Eco-Friendly Family! 

Now now, mulled wine, my old friend. Not only am I sure it is in the small print of the definition of 'winter' but it is best tasted on the side of a mountain with a side order of snow! I promise. I might have had cold tootsies by the time Vin Chaud O'Clock occurred but it warmed me nicely from the insides out every single time!

One of the highlights of the holiday, however, was the surprise Christmas present we received from my Step-Mum when I finally met them out in France. Ski-Joëring. Yeah 'what on Earth is that?'... Exactly my question when I opened up the little letter and miniature donkey figurine. Skis on, grab the reins and off we go! Basically skiing on the back of a horse, and SO much fun! A little family run business with 12 horses and the most adorable dog, Goliath, Cheval et Montange (found here) was perfect! Everyone seemed to chip in and although there was a minor language barrier, everyone was super friendly! As you can see, my horse Isabelle and I bonded like nobody's business and I effectively became a horse whisperer!

I know that Cheval Et Montage is open all year round for various different weather related horsey activities, so if you're ever near the Alps, hit them up!

All in all a very welcome holiday and the most perfect way to bring in the New Year!

What did you guys do to welcome in the new year?

With Love,

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Thursday, 2 January 2014

Post-2013 reflection... HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Well here it is... HAPPY NEW YEAR, and although I am a day late , I hope that each and every one of your beautiful little faces had a cracking 2013 and will have an even better 2014!

It is my last day here in the French Alps in the little town of Les Carroz which I am very excited to tell you all about when I return to the UK, and December sure has been a month where I have reflected and taken the time out that I needed.. (Thank you Morocco, thank you France!).

I have realised a lot of fun things that 2013 has shown me, none of which would be better presented to you than with the help of a list, so here goes!:

1. I only remember one of the New Years resolutions I made.... But I stuck to it!
I have realised that although I forgot about any New Years resolutions I made, the only one I can remember making and actually sticking to was to try and see good in people, even if I really had to stretch to find a good thing to say about them... And it REALLY changed my outlook, so I if you're stuck for a resolution, take that one! 

2. I am one tough cookie
I've lost my pushover ways, and surprised myself with my inner strength through some crazy tough times, hooray for 2013! I have some of my closest friends to thank for that!

3. I've started up my blog again! Huge smiles all round!
This is something that I have wanted to do for soooo long but couldn't quite find the inspiration of the focus or the time to commit to. It took a bit of a bloggers break after September but having travel inspiration has really got me coming out all guns blazing!

4. I am seeing where I get different character traits from.
This is a weird one and one I've only very recently starting seeing, but I've noticed I have inherited SO many of my Dad's character traits. He is too loving- doting husband, father and everything in between and that's one of the main things I've realised if definitely in my blood. Mum however, rarely shows her affections... I know she loves me and I love her and she's my best friend but expression isn't her thing. However she provided me with my humorous side. That woman laughs for England! 

5. "The more you put in, the more you get out"
For me, this is up there with the biggies of the year. Cliché city but I definitely have worked my little butt of this year in every aspect of my life -Work, study, sport, relationships. And it's definitely paying off! Of course with everything it's a learning curve but everything is all gravy as I've come into 2014!!

2013, in true Zoe style, should be summed up in pictures! Here you go!

Now the tough bit.... Resolutions!
I've always tried to be good and have resolutions but the serious hardcore ones, I've never been good at sticking too... (Go to the gym more, don't eat junk food, no chocolate... NO FUN THERE!!) so I have decided to make a few simple ones which should be easy to stick to and a constant reminder to be good. 

- Don't get too disheartened if things aren't working out how I thought they would... It's all meant to be!
- Make a special effort to see the people closest to me. That has been tricky this year, being so busy and all.
- Be the owner of a pink driving license by the end of 2014. THIS IS A MUST!
- Lose a few pounds and inches. Not necessarily all at once, but a little work in progress.
- One blog post a week minimum? I can't promise they'll be super exciting but they'll be there!
- Be fearless and honest.


What New Years resolutions have you made? And what do you remember most about 2013?

With love, 

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