It is my last day here in the French Alps in the little town of Les Carroz which I am very excited to tell you all about when I return to the UK, and December sure has been a month where I have reflected and taken the time out that I needed.. (Thank you Morocco, thank you France!).
I have realised a lot of fun things that 2013 has shown me, none of which would be better presented to you than with the help of a list, so here goes!:
1. I only remember one of the New Years resolutions I made.... But I stuck to it!
I have realised that although I forgot about any New Years resolutions I made, the only one I can remember making and actually sticking to was to try and see good in people, even if I really had to stretch to find a good thing to say about them... And it REALLY changed my outlook, so I if you're stuck for a resolution, take that one!
2. I am one tough cookie
I've lost my pushover ways, and surprised myself with my inner strength through some crazy tough times, hooray for 2013! I have some of my closest friends to thank for that!
3. I've started up my blog again! Huge smiles all round!
This is something that I have wanted to do for soooo long but couldn't quite find the inspiration of the focus or the time to commit to. It took a bit of a bloggers break after September but having travel inspiration has really got me coming out all guns blazing!
4. I am seeing where I get different character traits from.
This is a weird one and one I've only very recently starting seeing, but I've noticed I have inherited SO many of my Dad's character traits. He is too loving- doting husband, father and everything in between and that's one of the main things I've realised if definitely in my blood. Mum however, rarely shows her affections... I know she loves me and I love her and she's my best friend but expression isn't her thing. However she provided me with my humorous side. That woman laughs for England!
5. "The more you put in, the more you get out"
For me, this is up there with the biggies of the year. Cliché city but I definitely have worked my little butt of this year in every aspect of my life -Work, study, sport, relationships. And it's definitely paying off! Of course with everything it's a learning curve but everything is all gravy as I've come into 2014!!
2013, in true Zoe style, should be summed up in pictures! Here you go!
I've always tried to be good and have resolutions but the serious hardcore ones, I've never been good at sticking too... (Go to the gym more, don't eat junk food, no chocolate... NO FUN THERE!!) so I have decided to make a few simple ones which should be easy to stick to and a constant reminder to be good.
- Don't get too disheartened if things aren't working out how I thought they would... It's all meant to be!
- Make a special effort to see the people closest to me. That has been tricky this year, being so busy and all.
- Be the owner of a pink driving license by the end of 2014. THIS IS A MUST!
- Lose a few pounds and inches. Not necessarily all at once, but a little work in progress.
- One blog post a week minimum? I can't promise they'll be super exciting but they'll be there!
- Be fearless and honest.
What New Years resolutions have you made? And what do you remember most about 2013?
With love,
The first photo is beautiful!! It looks like you had a great year :) Good luck for keeping to your resolutions, I also believe that everything happens for a reason!